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结衣游戏2023年03月21日 02:33:14游戏资讯54



求iphone最新游戏密室逃脱 DOOORS - room escape game 的全攻略, 急求~~!!!

Dooors 1: Tap the door to open it. Tap again to go to the next level.

Dooors 2: Tilt the phone to the left so the red ball rolls left. Open the door.

Dooors 3: Tilt your phone to the left. Tap the key under the ball and use it to open the door.

Dooors 4: Pull the lever and quickly tap the opening of the door.

Dooors 5: Tap the left lamp and use the door handle underneath to open the door.

Dooors 6: Turn the light on and off until all dots on top of the door are green. Open the door.

Dooors 7: Make the circles the same pattern as the squares on the door. Open the door.

Dooors 8: Take the red dot from the left plant/wall. Turn your phone to the right. Slide the door up.

Dooors 9: Tap on the right wheel so that they are both green at the same time. Open the door when both wheels are green.

Dooors 10: Shake your phone to put out the fire. Tap the wood and then take the handle underneath. Tap the left plat several times until the handle hole appears. Use the handle to open the door.

Dooors 11: Place your red tool in the whole above the middle door to open the door.

Dooors 12: Change the colored dots to be the opposite color of the suit. Top left = black; top right = red; middle left = red; middle right = white; bottom left = red; bottom right = black

Dooors 13: Shake device to unlock the door. Tap the left fire and use the match to burn the spider web.

Dooors 14: Move the levers to match the scratch above the door to open the door.

Dooors 15: Tap the bomb in the bottom left corner and put it in front of the door. Light the bomb with the match. Tilt your phone left to roll the ball to the left. Pull the chain. Follow the arrows. Tilt the ball to the right and pull the chain. Tilt to the left and pull three times. Tilt to the right and pull twice.

Dooors 16: Turn your screen down to match the man on the floor. Tap the door while your screen is facing down.

Dooors 17: Tilt your phone left to move the rock. Turn off the light and the letters E T will appear. Change the left clock to 11 and the right clock to 7.

Dooors 18: Tap the red buttons to make the balls jump. When the ball is at it’s peak tap the red button again to make it jump higher. Get both balls to the top.

Dooors 19: Slide the left and right doors up. Tap the orange ball behind the right door. Tap the two white dots to turn them green and slide the doors back down. Use the orange ball and tap the ceiling light so it turns green. Slide the middle door up.

Dooors 20: Turn the dials on the right so they mirror the dials on the left and tap the door.

Dooors 21: Turn your phone face down and slide the door open.

Dooors 22: Tap the left tile and then the magnifying glass underneath. Tap the magnifying glass and then the back of the right tiger. Change the red dots to the colors of the fruits. The left floor tile has a magnifying glass under it, take this. Use the glass to look at the back of the right tiger. Place the orange ball on top of the door.

Dooors 23: Slide the gate and balls away from the left plant. Move this the left plant and tap the dot behind it to turn it green. Clear the objects away from the door and slide the door open.

Dooors 24: Light the fires using your match. Pull the levers from right to left and then back again.

Dooors 25: Use the magnifying glass on the Japanese flag (white background with red dot). You will see the numbers 2562. Tap the piles on the floor to make them into 2,5,6,2.

Dooors 26: Move the ladder to the left, and tap the chain on the top of the screen. Pull the left chain to move the doors and then pull the right chain to stop them from moving. Time it right to escape.

Dooors 27: Put the balls in the doors mouth following this pattern: yellow, blue, red and green.

Dooors 28: Tilt your phone right to move the balloons and reveal the instructions. Adjust your volume down, up, down, up.

Dooors 29: Tap the knife in the bottom right corner and use it to chop the branches. Slide the white doors and use the key behind the doors to open the door.

Dooors 30: Tap the birds until they are facing each other and the light above the door turns green.

Dooors 31: Turn your phone upside down until all the light are green.

Dooors 32. Tilt your phone so the rock is on top of the button. Use your match on the bees.

Dooors 33. Use the knife to cut the cable and turn off the lasers. Slide the door to the right, left, left, left, left, right, right.

Dooors 34. Tap the plants to move them out of the way of the instructions. Tilt your phone to mirror the clocks by turning it around in circles until all the lights above the door turn green.

Dooors 35. Use the match to light both candles. Match the bottom pads to the amount of letters per word (6, 4, 5, 6).


pads layout当中的过孔对是什么








1:在菜单 setup---pad stacks选via,在Decal name里面找到你要修改的过孔,或者点add via新加一个过孔并在下面name输入名字,名字下面是设置通过或者盲埋孔的,右边设置形状和大小。














pads2005 里 如何画腰孔


一种是NPTH的,就是槽孔中不用镀铜的,一般用图标Board Outline and Cut Out工具做外形切除就可以了,先绘一个矩形,再分别点击各边右击属性后调整各边的坐标到你所要的位置,分别点击其中相对要改成圆弧的两条边右击Pull Arc,使这条线变成弧形,再分别双击这两条弧调整其中的Radius值来修改弧度达到需要的值。

另一种方法是做一个只有焊点零件,其他都不用,然后双击这个焊点来打开它的属性修改窗口,然后点击Pad Stack弹开Pad Stacks Preperties窗口,在这个窗口的下方有一栏Drill size,这是钻孔的大小,它的下方有一栏Solt Parameters栏,如果是圆形孔的话,Slotted前的方框中是空的,要把它改成槽孔的话,要将前面点下,使它前面打勾,这时下面的三栏会由灰变白,然后修改它的长度Length、旋转角度Orientation、偏移距离Offset等值。可果是PTH(要电镀的孔)孔就要使焊盘的大小大于这个槽孔,再在Plated中选中勾,如果是NPTH孔的话就将焊盘改成双槽孔小,Plated中也不用选。


WIN10 安装 PADS 助手 失败 怎么办?

解决ERROR:Archive Navigator is not a Control:progID=,CLSID={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000};










1:在菜单 setup---pad stacks 选via,在Decal name里面找到你要修改的过孔,或者点add via









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